Well, ok, maybe Google can’t cook up a seven-course meal complete with a nice bottle of red wine and a flaming chocolate soufflé…yet. But they did just add quite the list of new commands. Up until now, we’ve been able to command Google to do a lot of other things in the same Google family of apps. Now they’ve opened it up to developers of other third-party apps. Here’s a great list compiled by Tech Crunch of some of the new apps and command options available: Flixster: “Show me Inception on Flixster.” Instacart: “Show instacart availability.” Lincoln: “Start my Lincoln MKZ.” NPR One: “Listen to NPR.”Read More →

There it is…staring at me…constantly. The little icon on my phone’s mail app notifying me that I have new emails waiting for me to read them. I give my most fervent effort to keeping that number low, but it feels a bit like trying to train my cat to do a cartwheel—futile, at best. I know I’m not alone in this as I look over other people’s shoulders and see their phone’s mail app. “5”…”27”…”43”…or, my personal favorite, the triple digits. I know mom always told me not to compare myself to others, but gosh does it feel good to see someone’s mail app sayRead More →

It was a warm, sunny day and not a cloud in the sky. The birds were serenading me as I excitedly walked up to the door, flung it open and then…the chorus sang. I had arrived at the Apple Store to pickup my iPhone 6. I could barely contain my excitement as I unwrapped the beautiful, shiny new toy that I would inevitably spend hours and hours tapping my little finger on, exploring all the wonders Apple promised me. And as with every technology purchase I make, there was a part of me that kept saying, “Did I choose the right size? The right color?Read More →